Tips for Great 1st Day of School Photos

August 29, 2019

First Day of School 2018. It was slightly overcast, so finding more even lighting was easy!

Hey Friends! The first day of school is just around the corner, maybe it’s already started for you. If that’s the case, sorry I didn’t get this up earlier! My kids start school in 5 days! 5. Days. I’m not sure I am ready haha. So of course I’ve got the back to school pictures on my mind. Even though I’m a photographer I try to keep those first day of school pictures quick and easy breezy. Here are my tips for you on how to get great pictures of your kids on the first day of school!

  • Plan accordingly. Make sure you give yourself an extra 5-10 minutes in the morning to grab those adorable back to school shots of your growing kids.  That way you aren’t stressing about being late and neither are they.  Kids have a short attention span no need to spend 30 minutes trying to get those pictures.
  • Look for shade. There is nothing worse than taking a picture where your subject has spots of light all over them. I shoot mine in my backyard and move a kids around a bit til I find the right light I’m looking for. Look for even lighting on them, especially their face.  Morning light is great for pictures and the light isn’t overly harsh. If you can’t find the shade then..
  • Avoid direct sunlight on their faces. Not only will your cute kiddos be squinting and complaining about it being too bright, it’s just not a very flattering way to light your kiddos. Instead try moving them so their backs are to the light.
  • Don’t forget the group shot! Make sure to take individuals of your kids and then the group shot. Most years we try to include out dog, Daisy too. She doesn’t always sit well but I can usual manage one shot with her in it.
  • Let your kiddo show their personality! When you look back at these pictures you are going to want to remember then how they were. Not standing straight? Bad posture? Eh, whatever! I love a good personality shot.
  • Keep it light. Everyone’s a little nervous, a little stressed, and a little excited about the first day of school. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Honestly, that is my motto when it comes to my kids. As long as I’ve captured the moment, I’m happy.

If you feel like being fancy and you want to edit/enhance your photos before throwing them up on social media, check out my previous post about my favorite photo apps. 

First Day of School 2017. Much sunnier, and my oldest’s face has some side lighting on her face.

Good luck and Happy First Day of School! 

